Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Birthday Elmo!

Today was "Elmo's birthday bash!"

We got the girls dressed in their red and headed out! Along with every other Elmo loving child in the city!

There were way too many kids there that's for sure.

When Elmo showed up the girls were very excited! Finn got a front row seat and Elmo walked right by her and waved at her. She smiled the biggest smile you've seen from her and gave a little squeal. She loved it! Gillian was a little more leery and looked at me and said "Eba" in the softest most confused voice possible.

Finley got free when Elmo stopped and was stooping down to see the kids and she bee lined for him. She was literally trying to get him to pick her up. I thought for sure there was going to be a pushing or biting incident if any other kid tried to move in on her "EBA"!

Here she is......EBA! Pick me up!

No seriously.....pick me up!!!

At this point Gillian was walking around pointing to all the kids shirts who had Elmo on them and saying "EBA" and screeching at them. They must have thought she was wacky! Lol.

After meeting Elmo the girls ran around and played some but it was past their nap time and I was worried there was going to be a serious melt down if we didnt' take off soon. So we decided to get in line for a picture with Elmo and then hightail it outta there!

Both girls got mega cranky in line......and this is the picture we ended up with.

1 comment:

Jessi said...

I knew they'd love it! How cute! I'm so glad they had a good time!

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