Thursday, November 8, 2012

Boom Boom Bang

"Boom Boom Bang" is Gillians new phrase this week. Not sure where she heard it or what it means but tonight she said to Finley "Hey Finley, Boom Boom Bang" (insert random singing of her ABC's)  M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T......then she screamed "ROCK THE BEATS SISSY"

Thats my crazy girl!

Their imaginations have been running wild lately. They are pretend playing all over the house and its hysterical to listen to. Gillian calls everyone "honey" when she plays and they are just starting to grasp the concept of sharing and actually playing nicely together. I'm in heaven.

I can actually get something accomplished when they are playing now instead of breaking up fights every 3 seconds.

Not only are they playing better but they are cleaning up after themselves. Double Score!

Finley is talking up a storm lately but I have to admit that some of it I have a hard time understanding. Gillian has taken it upon herself to be the interpretor. Which is fine with me. Today the girls said they wanted to see Santa and I asked them what they wanted Santa to bring them for Christamas. Finley said what I thought sounded like "a puple bancy fing" and I said "a what thing" and Gillian came running over and said "she said she wants a purple bouncy thing mom" and then ran off.

Monday, July 2, 2012

"I go stinky in my pull up"

So we were having an issue with Finley not wanting to poop in the potty. Instead she runs, gets a pull up and puts that on, poops in it and then comes to me and says "change me." not cool. I'm sorry, if you're old enough to say "change me" then you're old enough to poop in a potty. Did I mention 2 1/2 year old poops are like adult poops and are gross. Nothing like little baby poops. Double not cool.

So today I tried everything "Don't poop on your princess, she'll be so sad", "Big girls don't poop in pull up's Finley, your a big girl now right", " Oh yucky, poopy in your pants".......  she still stood there like she was going to crap her pants any minute giving me the death stare of hers.

I was sitting there bribing her with everything under the sun, ice cream, M&M's, going swimming, a new toy.....and then it clicked; BATHINGSUITS!

I told her if she pooped on the potty I would take her right out to the store to buy a brand new bathing suit. .

What does she do? She sits on the freaking potty and poops on it right then and there. She was so excited. It was hysterical. She kept saying "That wasn't scary!"

So we got dressed and I took both of them out so she could pick her new "babysuit", she ended up getting a purple one (of course) with tinkerbell on it and a tutu, because no bathingsuit of Finn's is tutuless.

I asked her if she was going to poop again tomorrow on it and she said she would so only time will tell!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

2 1/2 years old, where has the time gone?!

The girls are 2 1/2 now and I love this age. LOVE! They are both talk non stop, all day long. The things that come out of their mouths are hysterical and have me sitting around wondering "where did they ever hear that?"

Finley lives for the water. She wakes up and instantly wants to put on her "babysuit" and go swimming. If I tell her its too cold to swim she wears her suit around the house until it warms up enough to go out.

She also loves to change her clothes a million times a day, she is the "resident fashionista" and the things she puts on has me cracking up.

She's still "the boss" of the house. What Finley says usually goes. No one wants to challenge the spunk.

Lately she has a HUGE appetite and has been eating Gillian under the table. The last time I weighed her she was 25lbs and 35 inches tall. I have a feeling she has gained some since then though. Today she has 3 bowls of cereal, 2 bowls of oatmeal, leftover Chinese, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She has been wolfing down her food. She's still WAY tiny for her age. In the 5th percentile for her weight and 20th for her height. She can still wear 12m skirts and shorts. They actually fit her perfect around the waist. I think that will change soon though the way she's going.

She loves to paint, color and play with playdoh. It will keep her busy for hours. I always said I felt like she would be artsy and I could be right. She has that eccentric/artsy vibe about her. We'll see.

Gillian seems to be challenging me a little bit more lately. I'm trying to decide if its her terrible twos or her just exerting her independence a little. She has her moments but for the most part she's still a sweetheart.

She's also talking like crazy and will sit there and have a full conversation with you about anything or everything on her mind. She just started playing "pretend" and will come up to you with a "present" and then you have to pretend to open it and tell her what it is. She thinks its hysterical.

She's about 28lbs now and 36 inches. I think it was 25th-50th for her weight and 50th for her height. She can barely fit into 2t clothes now, some are still baggy on her but they'll do.

Both girls love animals and I'm pretty sure would spend all day at the zoo or aquarium if you let them. We took them to Mystic a month ago and they are still talking about it.

Well those are the updates for now. The girls are keeping me busy, barely have time to get a cup of coffee in now a days but its amazing. I love being home with them, they make me insane most days but they are flipping adorable and I am so grateful to be able to be home with them right now!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

See you later diapers!

Diapers are a thing of the past in this house and I can honestly say it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be.

I tried the 3 day potty training with both girls and it was a nightmare. I wouldn't recommend that to anyone......ever. All it did was scare the heck out of both of them.

Thankfully I didn't scar them too bad because a month after I quit the idea of having potty trained kids Finley potty trained herself. She asked Gary to use the potty and hasn't had one accident. That was probably about 3 months ago. A few weeks ago Gillian started showing a little interest in wearing big girl undies so I put her in a pair, let her pee in them and she was so upset she peed on her princess undies that she has been on the potty since. Piece of cake.

Now the adorable thing is Finley the potty pro helping Gillian the potty newbie in the bathroom. If Gillian announces she has to go Finley says "I take you" and goes in with her. Then she helps her pull down her pants and undies and get up on the stool. Then she very patiently waits until she pees and cheers for her "YEAH GILLIAN WENT PEE PEE!!" After all the fanfare is over she gives her toilet paper and helps her pull up her pants.

Who needs me around when you have a Finley? Now if I could just teach her to make dinner we would be all set!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My little Red Sox fans!

Its pretty easy to tell from this picture that Gillian is my ham and loves to smile for the camera and Finley is the eccentric girly girl with her pink skirt on . We took off to walmart after this pic and she wore her zebra print boots with it too. She's too cute for words. There is no denying she has her own style!

Monday, May 7, 2012

2 or 12?

Finley and her attitude are going to be the death of me. I am in shock that any 2 year old can act like this. Its like she's a teenager for goodness sakes.

This weekend I heard it all. These are some of her favorite phrases over the past few days. They had us all cracking up.

"No,no,no,no,no" (with her little hand waving in front of my face for maximum drama)

"No,no,no,no,no. NO SING MOM" (don't forget dramatic hand"

"NO, Me not peanut, ME FINLEY"

"Me sick, me need jellybean"

"Me do" (she says this about everything, don't try to help her in any way shape or form unless you have her permission)

And the comment that sent me over the edge this weekend came out of Gillian's mouth

"No Mom, you're fat" (after asking her if I can ride in her wagon)

I informed her that no I wasn't fat and if for any reason they thought I was it was only because I carried their butts for 9 long months! And of course I had to remind them that before I had them I had a smoking hot body! Thank you freaking much. Now who's the teenager?! Brats.


First week of camping season started and we made it out alive! We did have a slight snag when Gillian started coughing so uncontrollably out of no where Saturday night she ended up throwing up all over Gary. Then she fell asleep and slept through the night. Thank goodness. Not sure what caused the coughing but I'm glad it passed quickly.

The girls were so excited to have their own room in the camper, they have always had their own room there but apparently this year it meant something to them. Their cousin visited for a little while and they had to show Ava their room. They played in it for ever. After Gillian threw up I decided to sleep in the bed with them and Finley was ticked when she woke up around 3 to find me laying beside her! And I mean TICKED!

She woke up, grabbed the blankets off me and started yelling "NO MOM MY BED-GET UP" over and over and over and over and freaking over again. It woke everyone up. She was whining and crying and not happy that I was sleeping with her.

I found it so strange since she begs me to sleep with her and Gillian at home? Guess while camping they are just too cool for their mom? Kinda made me a little sad, not gonna lie. I learned my lesson the next night and slept in my own bed. Away from their room.

So besides those 2 little things our nights were good and our days were better. They loved riding around on the golf cart, taking walks, waving at everyone they saw come by, hanging at the beach and eating smores! It was a fun weekend for everyone. I can't wait to go back this weekend.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Early Summer?

Last week it was nearly 90 degree's outside. So we busted out the pool and bathing suits (or babysuits as the girls call them) and caught some rays. Can't wait for the nice weather to get here and stay for a while! Finley is embrassing the ponytail lately, and won't wear any bathing suit unless it has some type of tutu attached. She's a kid who knows what she wants......


Wow. I love this age. The girls personalities are really coming out and its amazing to watch!

Finley is VERY independent. I can't stress that word enough. She wants to do everything for herself. Don't even try to do it for her. You will get a melt down and a half from her. She wants to pour her own milk, put on her own sippy cup cap, pick out her own outfits, dress herself, get her own snack, do her own juicebox, help cook, feed the animals, close the doors, climb in her carseat, pick out her own movie AND put it in the DVD player, Oh and don't forget turning on the Tv and starting her movie.

Good luck if you forget and do something for her. I've literally had to pour milk back in its container just so she can help.

She loves to pick her own clothes. Which usually consist of a pair of pants, miss matched shirt and a random skirt thrown over her pants. She loves dresses and skirts.

She is talking up a storm this past month too. Its funny to hear her putting together sentences now. She just blabbers on and on and on these days. She isn't the least bit shy and will say "Hi" to anyone that looks at her.

In church today she came in with one hand in her pocket and the other waving to people she saw along the way saying "Hi,  Me Finley"

She is almost completely potty trained, with the exception of pooping in the potty. She has had 1 accident since she potty trained herself months ago. She means business. She wasn't going to have me telling her when she was going to be a big girl. She fought me when I tried to potty train her in January. She fought hard. Once I gave up she let me know who was in charge. It obviously wasn't me, she amazes me everyday with how stubborn she is.

Gillian could not be more opposite from Finley if she tried. She is shy, and it takes her a long time to warm up to people.

She could care less at this point about doing anything herself. She is perfectly happy having me (or Finley) do everything for her.

She LOVES to sing. When we are at church she "sings" along. LOUD. Its hysterical. I can't help but giggle at her, along with anyone else that watches her.

She is sweet and cuddly and loves to watch her movies. Her favorite this week is The brave little toaster. She recites the movies and sings along with them now and it cracks me up to watch her. Her favorite song to sing is Raffi's Down by the bay. She screams along with that one in the car.

We started potty training her a week ago and while it wasn't as easy as Finley, because honestly you couldn't get any easier than Finley, she didn't do to bad. She had a few accidents in her big her undies but after she realized she was ruining her princess undies she started telling me when she had to go. She's been a few days accident free now.

I can't believe they will be 2 1/2 next month. They are growing up so fast. I can't wait to see how their little personalities develop over the next year. I can tell I am going to have my hands full with Finley already. Just waiting for Gillian to jump on that independent bandwagon to make things more interesting around here. Like one stubborn child isn't enough!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Playhouse makeover

I'd been looking for one of those older Little Tikes playhouse's for a while to redo. I saw someone on Pinterest redid one with spray paint and fell in love with the idea immediately!

So I started looking high and low on craigslist and finally found one for $20.00! What a steal! I sent Gary to pick it up and he came back with money in his pocket. The lady he got it from also turned out to have twin girls and she told him to just take it. Being the good guy he is he fought with her until she at least took a 10!

I ran out to Lowe's and picked up spray paint (you need the kind that says its for plastic) and headed back home. Gary power washed the whole thing and took it all apart. Then he was awesome enough to take a whole entire day to spray paint the whole thing for me! He rocks. It was long and tedious and I never would have finished it that's for sure!

Here are some pics. Here is what it looked like before. This is not the actual playhouse or my picture, just one I found online of exactly what it looked like!

And here it is after Gary slaved away all day! If you do get brave enough to attempt this make sure you let everything dry for a few days before putting it together. If you do it too soon (I'm not going to tell you how I know this) you run the risk of the paint coming off in some spots (mainly the shutters when your kids try to open and close them when they aren't all the way dry)

The girls call it their princess house. Love my hubby! 

Don't forget Daddy

I have been trying to cut back on the girls milk intake lately. They were filling up on milk and not eating as much during the day.

If they ask me for milk I tell them "I'm sorry, we're all out, Daddy has to buy more" and then they usually say" Apple juice then" and I tell them again "Nope, sorry, we're all out Daddy has to buy more" and then I trick them into drinking water!

This has been going on everyday for weeks now. Today as Gary was leaving for work Finley ran up to him to give him a hug and a kiss goodbye and said to him "Bye Daddy, Bye, Don't forget to buy milk!"

She's such a cutie! I'm waiting for the day she realizes I'm a liar.......I know its coming!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Today we all went out to Lowe's so I could pick out a ceiling fan. We got everything we needed and headed to the register. The checkout guy was in his 50's with a full white beard and long straggly blondish/gray hair. Gillian asked to be picked up and was looking at him for a while when she finally turned to me very confused and said "Mommy, what is Santa Claus doing?" I nearly died.

I laughed so hard people around me must have thought I was crazy. Then as we were leaving and Gary was explaining to her that even Santa has to work when its not Christmas time both the girls yelled "Bye Santa, Bye, see you soon."

Kids, they say the funniest things.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Renovations stink

Gary and I are all about projects. You know, finishing basements, adding on decks, painting the whole exterior of our house, gutting bathrooms, and redoing kitchens......just to name a few of the million things we've done to the house over the past 7 years.

The latest project is taking our breezeway and making it into a dining room. Gary had to basically tear the whole room down and rebuild it from the floor up. We had a 2 car garage but now its a 1 car garage because we needed the space to make the room bigger. I'm fine with that.  As long as I have a place to sit down with my family and eat I am one happy camper!

Its almost finished. My house is covered in an awesome white dust from him sanding the walls and I want it done for Easter!

He still needs to do one more coat of compound, sand again, finish the floor, do the rest of the trim work, primer and paint. In 5 days. Oh and don't forget his real job! Poor guy. I'm not sure he's going to make it.

Ironically we are already talking about whats next. Because that's just how we are I guess? Always need a project!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The mean girls.....

I have to admit I'm a *little* protective of my kids. Just a little. I find it hardest to deal with when other little kids are "picking" on my kids.

A few weeks ago at the children's museum Finley was playing with a large puzzle. It was a puzzle of body parts. She had the brain and was attempting to put it in its right spot when a older girl (probably around 4) came over and told her she was too little to play with it and took it from her.

In comes insane 32 year old mother......ME!

I went over after hearing this conversation and attempted to take the brain back from the 4 year old while telling her as sternly as I can without screaming "she is not too young, give it back to her" and she held on tight.

I'm not sure what any normal parental reaction should be at this point. All I know is I am flat out wrestling with a 4 year old over a brain.

I won. Eventually. And gave it back to Finley so she could put it back in its spot. Finley took it, put it back and looked at me like I was a lunatic. I grabbed Finn and went to go play far far away from mean girl and instead of going away she followed us.

By now, I was annoyed. She came up to me and said "Do you know where my Mudgie is?" I said "What" and she yelled at me "I"M LOST!"

Great, now I have a mean lost girl on my hands! I ended up taking her to someone who worked there and they found her grandparents who apparently lost her? Either way, I am left wondering how I should have handled that situation? I'm pretty sure walking away was the mature thing to do but apparently I'm not mature.

Yesterday we took the girls to story time and there was a cute little girl who was probably 5 or 6 playing kitchen with Gillian. They were playing for a while and Gillian was having a great time with her. I was so happy that Gillian was playing nicely with someone.

Then another girl came over who knew the first girl and suddenly the little girl that was playing with Gillian decided to she was a baby and too young to play.

This time I let Gillian keep on playing hoping that they would all work it out but they didn't. They turned into mean girls. They would go to a table and take all the fake food with them, Gillian would follow and they would move to another table.  I finally decided if I sat there and watched anymore of it I was going to either cry for my poor little girl or punch a 5 year old  so I called her over and we went and played with something else.

I'm just not sure what I am supposed to do in these cases. The motherly part of me wants to go over there and say "HEY YOU LITTLE PUNKS don't be mean to little girls" but the other part of me says ignore them Erin, Ignore them.

Its hard to ignore mean girls though, I'm not the kind of person to keep my mouth can thank my mother for that one. She was/is always walked all over by everyone. She raised me to be the opposite. Thanks mom. Thanks!

Now the dilemma is do I teach my girls to stick up for themselves when kids are being mean or ignore them? What do you do? I know my kids are too young to understand what is happening now but by next year they will know......and then the mean kids will annoy me even more!

I sure hope my girls are never the mean girls.

The sick toe

Tonight Gillian woke up crying. I went into her room and this was the conversation we had:

Me: Gillian baby, whats the matter? Why are you crying?

Gillian: I'm sick.

Me: You're sick? Where are you sick? Does something hurt?

Gillian: My toe, my toe is sick.

Me: Your toe is sick? Does it hurt?

Gillian: Yes, its sick, it hurts right here (pointing to the tip of her big toe)

Me: Oh no. Do you want me to rub it?

Gillian: NO! My toe! It wants medicine.

Me: Okay, your toe wants medicine?

Gillian: Yes, medicine.

*So, I got up and got her and M&M and brought it back to her bed.

Gillian: Mommy this is a MMM!

Me: Yep, chocolate medicine.

*Gillian eats it

Gillian: Yum, toe is all better.

I love this age.

No, it doesn't get easier.....

Someone recently said to me she was looking forward to her twins being older and things getting easier and I couldn't help but laugh hysterically.

I remember when the girls were first born and I thought my life was insane. Oh to go back to the days when they laid around like lumps and demanded to be fed and slept all day......those were the freaking days.

When my main worry was whether or not they were going to sleep through the night that particular night or not.

When my biggest complaint was I felt "bored" because all they did was nothing all day!

Now don't get me wrong, the sleepless nights sucked. You can go back and reread my blog from 2010 and 2011 (because yes, my girls didn't start sleeping through the night until they were nearly 2) and see exactly what I was up against at night but compared to today those days were cake walks!

My days are no longer boring. There actually isn't a minute where I actually get to sit or relax until the girls go to bed.

My day today went something like this:

8:30 Every one's up and soaking wet. Changed everyone clothes, got Gillian a new diaper and Finley on the potty.

8:45 Breakfast is started, coffee is made and I attempt to pee and brush my teeth in peace. That is quickly interrupted by Finley screaming she wants to brush her teeth on the other side of the door.

8:50 Finley is brushing her teeth and Gillian decides she needs to next, despite the fact I've told them they need to eat breakfast reasoning with a 2 year old I guess?

8:55 Breakfast is served and I attempt to sit down and drink some coffee while they eat. This is impossible because Finley is upset she has yogurt on her hands and Gillian wants milk. Try to tell Finley she can wash her hands after she's done and she starts crying, Wash her hands. Gillian still wants milk and I've tried telling her she can have some after her breakfast but she screams. Get her milk.

9:20 Breakfast is over, I unload the dishwasher while they watch cartoons. Can't reload it though because Finley decides she's going to help load it and by "help" I mean put all the dishes in their wrong spots in the dishwasher and then complain that her hands got dirty.Wash Finley's hands.

9:40 Throw a pork shoulder in the crock pot for pulled BBQ pork sandwiches tonight.

9:45 Strip the girls beds. Remake them with the girls help.....which FYI isn't help. You try making 2 beds with 1 kid pulling it down the wrong way over the mattress and the other jumping on the bed! All while the one who is kind of helping is screaming and trying to attack the one who is jumping on the bed.

10:00 What happened to that coffee anyway? Go downstairs to start a load of laundry only to look around and realize you have 20 loads that need to be done, 5 that need to be folded and put away and 2 kids running amuck upstairs unattended. Screw folding the laundry. Don't worry, I can stay up until midnight after they go to bed finishing up.

10:15 Pick up the house.

10:45 Load the dishwasher, turn around and think "didn't I just pick up this house"

11:00 Kids are yelling they are hungry and its "Eat Time" ask them what they want but no one can tell me. Do you want this? No. This? No. This? No. Until I finally give up and feed them turkey, string cheese and green beans. Take it or leave it guys....

11: 10 They decide to leave it and feed most of it to the dog.

11:30 They are complaining they are hungry again. Give them a snack.

11:40 I'm hungry so I make myself a sandwich and pretzels. They decide my food looked better than theirs and proceed to climb into my lap and eat all my pretzels and pick at my sandwich until its demolished and inedible.

11: 50 diaper changing time and Naps.

Only my two rarely take naps so this is where my day goes down hill. I still require "quiet" time so they go in their rooms and fight for a couple of hours where I come in every 15 minutes and tell them to get back in their beds or their movie is going off.....over and over and over again.

Until 2:00......

After they get up its usually insane from here on out. Mostly breaking up fights because both are overtired but won't sleep. Putting the offending child in timeout after timeout.

Playing puzzle after puzzle, house, coloring, and singing songs.

Trying to make dinner with 2 kids fighting under you and tripping over the dog at the same time. More playing and refereeing fights, more timeouts, baths and finally bed!

After bed unfortunately my day doesn't end, it actually starts. I'm left cleaning up the aftermath and catching up on everything I can't do during the day. Which is everything!

Despite the insanity, I love my life. I wouldn't ask for it to be even the slightest bit different. My kids are at an age where they say the funniest things and keep me laughing all day long. Even when they are slapping each other I have to keep a straight face. I love their spunky personalities, I love that I have them both, and I love that they have each other!

And I am grateful to have a husband who makes enough money to support the family so I can stay home with my baby girls!

So let this be a warning of sorts to all the twin moms out there with doesn't get easier. It gets more insane!! But when the day is said and done you will sit back and smile, trust me!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

70 degree's in March?

I have no idea whats going on with the weather but I'm not going to complain. Being from the North East we are used to the long winters. This year is bizzare though. We had a 13" snow storm that knocked out our power for 9 days in October, a VERY mild winter with very little snow, and now a early spring with summer like weather.

This week its been about 70 degree's out everyday. Next Tuesday and Wednesday they are saying its going to be 80. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining! The girls and I have been out playing in this awesome weather every single day, all day! I've busted out the grill and even made some macaroni salad!

Heck I even had to unpack some of  the girls summer clothes and shoes! I swear if its 80 next week we'll be using those 5 bathing suits I got the girls last month!  You better believe I'll bust out a kiddie pool!

I was telling Gary this crazy weather is making want to move south. Well that and the incredibly low housing prices!

I don't know whats going on but I hope it keeps up. I would love nothing more than to have a nice warm Easter and an awesome day hunting eggs with my baby girls! At this rate it may be 90 before Easter!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Potty time

A couple months ago I decided I was going to try the "3 Day Potty Training" with the girls. Basically it tells you to put them in big girl undies, and then remind them 1000 times a day not to get their undies wet. You need to stay with them every second of the day and as you see them having an accident run them to the bathroom.

It was a nightmare. I never cleaned up so much pee in my life. And in the process I traumatized Finley. I mean, I almost thought I needed to put her in therapy-TRAUMATIZED.

After a day of me telling her to keep her undies dry she took that to the max and refused to pee.....anywhere. She wouldn't go in her undies and didn't want to go on the potty so she held it. For 10-12 hours. I put her back in a diaper as soon as I realized how she was reacting. She didn't care. She still refused to go.

It was so bad she was refusing to walk if she had to go because she knew it would make her go, she was crawling on the floor like a 8 month old! I had a nervous freaking breakdown in the process and the only way I could get her to go to the bathroom was putting her in the tub. I even called the pediatrician who must have thought I was a real wacko.

Finally after me reassuring her it was okay to pee in her diaper a million times she finally started going in the diaper again.

Now through this I have to mention Gillian was doing great going on the potty. But Finley freaked at the sight of Gillian in undies so I put her back in a diaper too.

Fast forward a month and suddenly Finley is telling Gary she has to go Pee Pee. He asks her if she wants to go on the potty and she says "YES" and books for the bathroom, pee's in her potty and never looks back. That was weeks ago and she's been going in it ever since. Insane. I never thought she would just do it on her own. She's such a big girl. We got a seat that has a child seat built into it so all she has to do is flip it down and she goes on the big potty. Its awesome. I can't wait until they are both out of diapers!

Gillian refuses to go on it, but I don't care. She can go when she's ready. I've learned they will do it when they are ready!! That will be the last time I push potty training ever again!

Monday, March 5, 2012

First time for everything

Saturday we went to an Open House for a preschool I wanted to check out for the girls. I was in a rush to get there before it ended and was rushing around like a maniac at home. We got there just in time and the girls loved it, they were having a great time doing crafts and checking the place out when suddenly Gillian got a very concerned look on her face and started walking towards Gary very slowly.

Gary noticed the front of her pants looked wet but couldn't figure out how she could pee that much that it would leak out of her diaper. He grabbed her and went to go check her diaper and there wasn't one! Apparently I'd lost my mind and dressed her without a diaper?

Thankfully it was one of the rare days I carried a extra set of clothes in the diaper bag.

On a side note, we signed the girls up for the preschool. They will start in Sept and go 2 days a week for the first year. When they are 4 we will probably send them 3 days a week. People always tell you "don't blink" when you have kids. Its true. I can remember being pregnant with them like it was yesterday. Now I am signing them up for preschool. Its surreal. I'm excited for them to have fun and learn new things but sad that I can feel their babyness slipping away. It almost makes me want another......

Oh the games they play

Do you know what I love most about this age? No its not the battle of the wills, temper tantrums or daily changing moods, its watching the girls play together.

They are at the age now where they are having conversations with each other and really starting to play together.

Sometimes its good play, sometimes its bad play but either way its hysterical to watch.

Today Finley went and go her tutu and put it on. She came in the living room and did a few twirls and then decided Gillian should wear hers. She ran into the playroom saying "sissy tutu" over and over and came running back with it. Gillian on the other hand didn't want to wear her tutu and told Finley.

Needless to say she wasn't a happy camper about that. She very dramatically threw herself on the couch and started crying until Gillian said "Otay, I wear it" and Finley got excited and ran over with the tutu to Gillian. As soon as Finley got up to her with it Gillian conveniently changed her mind which sent Finley into her crying act once again. As soon as Finley would cry Gillian would say "Otay" again and Finley would run back over, only to have Gillian change her mind once again. They did this at least 20 times. I just sat back and laughed.

I just can't get enough of this age.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Have you ever got the urge to punch an adorable black lab right in the head?

NO? Strange.You must not own mine.

Our dear sweet dog Harley LOVES to sleep in the beds when no one is watching. Problem is I hate dog hair, anywhere, but especially on my beds and he is shedding like some sort of a freak right now.

Yesterday I washed the girls comforters and this morning changed their beds. After I got done with the beds I vacuumed the upstairs and went to go put something away in Gillian's room and found Harley sleeping on her bed.

I scream "GET.OFF.THE.FREAKING.BED!" and the idiot doesn't even flinch! So I scream it again and still nothing. This is where the insane urge to punch a dog comes in....

Finally after yelling like an insane woman he jumps down and trots off to find a couch to lay on. I look at the comforter and it is COVERED in dog hair. (insert 2nd urge to punch a dog here)

What the freak man. What the freak. Now I have to wash the bedding again.

Roomies once again

When we switched the girls to their toddler beds it became apparent, by Finley's insane screaming,  that she didn't appreciate Gillian being able to climb in bed with her whenever she wanted.

I ended up separating them and putting them in separate rooms. This was working out pretty good until this past week.

For some reason they both decided they hated bedtime and it became a HUGE nightly fight. I mean this was borderline hysterics for them and its hard to deal with two insane kids who are in separate rooms at the same time.

So in a exhausted morning stooper Gary and I were talking about the "situation" with their sleeping. I suddenly decided they needed to share a room again and before Gary knew what hit him I had him dragging Finley's bed back in Gillian's room.

Gillian has a full size bed and Finley a twin size bed. Had I known they were going to end up sharing the big bedroom again I would have gotten Finley a full size bed too but too late to think about that.

Either way it doesn't matter because they have been sharing Gillian's big bed since they moved back in together. Finley's bed has sat unused in its spot for the past week. The only issue we are having is they have got up in the middle of the night for the past 5 nights and refusing to go back to bed. I'm unsure if its because we were all sick and no one could sleep or maybe they are smooshing (technical term) into each other and waking each other up. The cold is gone and everyone (except me) can breath again so I decided to put a pillow in between them so they can't bump and wake each other, we'll see if that works.

If it doesn't I am going to try putting Finley in her own bed after she falls asleep. If that doesn't work I'm giving them away until they are sleeping through the night.

And don't even get me started on napping......Finley is dropping her naps and Gillian still LOVES her naps so this is creating a huge problem for me.

Usually I would make Finley go in her own room for a couple of hours for "quiet time" during nap time. I don't care if she doesn't nap, but she needs to wind down some. But now they are sharing a room I have no place to send her. I made her old room the playroom again. I tried putting her in with Gillian but then Finley torments her and she won't sleep.

They haven't napped in days. Today poor Gillian fell asleep at 4:00 on the couch and took a hour long nap while Finley helped me make blueberry cake.

Maybe I should put a little sleep sack and pillow in the playroom for Finley? Or a crib mattress on the floor for naps? Lost here. I need a little break in the afternoon for goodness sakes. I'm worried Gillian won't nap in her room anymore either because Finley won't be in there.

You know when I thought about having twins this was never an issue that crossed my mind. Its insane the things I deal with on a daily basis. Insane.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It always works out

So much has changed in the past month its unbelievable!

I've kept it no secret that I hated my job, and Gary and I had been toying with the idea of me staying home with the girls and quitting.

Well last month on January 2nd I lost my job. And I actually left there with a smile on my face! I have never been happier in my life to be unemployed! I was with that company for 8 years and unfortunately it changed owners 2 years ago and it just hasn't been the same since.

So I am happy to say I have been home with the girls for the past month and I love it!  I was worried finances would be a problem but as it turns out we are better off. Had I known it would be like this I would have quit years ago!

I guess everything happens when its supposed to though. For now I am enjoying being home with my girls and looking forward to the spring when we can get outside and really start enjoying our days!

Finley is 2!

Here are some pics from the most insane 2 years of my life!

25 Months

2 Years old!

23 Months

22 Months

21 Months

20 Months

19 Months

18 Months

17 Months

16 Months

15 Months

14 Months

13 Months

1 Year Old

11 Months

10 Months

9 Months

8 Months

7 Months

6 Months

5 Months

4 Months

3 Months

2 Months

1 Month

Happy Birthday!

13 weeks Sonogram. Looks just like her doesn't it?

The past 2 years!

My sweet baby girl is two! I'm in awe........

25 Months

2 Years old!

23 Months

22 Months

21 Months

20 Months

19 Months

18 Months

17 Months

16 Months

15 Months

14 Month

13 Months

1 Year

11 Months

10 Months

9 Months

8 Months

7 Months

6 Months

5 Months

4 Months

3 Months

2 Months

1 Months


13 week Sonogram

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