Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Thats what Gillian calls Grover.....Vrover. She's too cute.

So I asked the pedi about Finn's talking and she asked me what words she can say ,  I gave her the run down of her usual ones and she said she was saying more than enough words for her age and Gillian was just a "advanced talker".

I guess this doesn't surprise me much with how quick Gilian does everything but this is a perfect example of why you shouldn't compare your kids. I'm constantly comparing them and Gillian typically does everything first and then I automatically think Finley is lagging behind. In reality Gillian is a over acheiver with most things and Finley is normal!

Sorry Finley, I hope you don't read this in 20 years and think your just "normal" and I hope Gillian isn't reading this in 20 years rubbing this in your face..........


Mandy said...

I am constantly comparing them. To each other and to other kids. We have a lot of "twin" behaviors and apparently they are very "twiny" which aggravates me sometimes. I hate hearing that they're a little behind but it's a twin thing. Does that make it all better? Geeze...

Our girls are just starting to talk to consider yourself lucky!!

Mim said...

Honey, there's gonna come a time when you pray for them to shut up so stop worrying and comparing. They're both smart as whips and cuter than cute!

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