Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Monthly OB appt......

Ugh, well, where to start! I guess with my weight would be good huh????? I weighted in at a whopping 171lbs......my start weight was 153....you do the math! Lol. The doctor said I was right on track? Right on track for what? The plus sized section? My blood pressure was high too, 152/90. She said it was probaly a fluke, I have taken it twice already this morning and its fine now 122/78 was my last one so I am sure everything is fine with that. She asked me to track it for a few days and then fax the numbers over to her on Thursday so I will do that and hopefully everything will be fine. I am sure it will be. My uterus is all the way up to under my boobs. I forgot to ask her how far ahead I was measuring this time though as I was so shocked it was up that far already!

My next ultasound is on September 4th too and I can't wait to see the girls again. So exciting! I am feeling great too, no swelling, no fatigue, no morning sickness! I love this part of pregnancy. Hopefully everything keeps going this way and I continue to feel great!

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