Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Joys of New Shoes!

So, yesterday I stopped off and got 2 new pairs of shoes. I love shoes! "Shoe" was actually my first word and if you looked into my closet it would make perfect sense to you! Nothing makes me happier than going out buying a new pair of shoes and getting home and trying them on with all my different outfits. The fun part about doing IVF is I actually have a excuse for buying all my shoes. Each time I come home with a new pair Gary gives me the "whats in the bag and tell me its not another pair of shoes look", and I give him the "I've been shooting myself up with needles and can buy whatever I want look" and then I win and the looks are over with and I run to my room to try on my new shoes!

There is however a downside to new shoes *gasp* Yes, I know its hard to believe but I went to work today with my cute new black Mary Janes on and by 11:00 my feet were killing me, by Noon I was walking around in my barefeet, and by 2:00 I was contemplating going upstairs to our pharmacy to buy some blister bandaids. Unfortunatly my feet were killing me so much in my new awesome looking shoes that it took me 2 hours to get the courage to put the devil shoes back on to walk upstairs! So I got some blister bandaids and a blister sick.....a staple in any shoes fanatics world! The blister stick is made by Bandaid and you just rub it on it magically stops the friction between the shoes and your foot and magically your feet feel better! I know that if I can just wear the shoes for one whole day they will be broken in enough the next time I wear them, but its so hard getting through that first day of hell!

On a seperate note. I am on day 6 of my Lupron! Go me! Only a few more days before I start my Stims!!! And the day I start my stims you better believe I will be going out and buying myself a new pair of shoes!

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