Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 5 of Stims

Well, my E2 levels were 1100 today! Yikes. They doubled since yesterday. Now I am getting worried!! They reduced my Gonal F again to 112 so hopefully they dont freaking double again tomorrow! So tomorrow I go for another ultrasound and more bloodwork. I am so nervous!!! I just dont want to overstim and have this cycle be cancelled but I have a feeling thats where we are headed.

And to get my mind of off my IVF cycle this month I am clearing out the 3rd bedroom.....its currently my "office" that I dont use. And getting it ready to be a nursery! I know, I know.....kinda premature to start planning the nursery but hey, I'm gonnna have kids one day whether or not I get pregnant on my own or we end up adopting so It will eventually be used!

Well, I am off to clean out my closet......Its a wreck. I can't find half of my shoes and can't stand it any more!

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