Tuesday, January 12, 2010


"You were right". Those are three words Gary doesn't hear very often but he heard it this afternoon!

So when I got pregnant I decided I want to cloth diaper the girls. Not only because it would save us tons of money but it was good for the environment. So off on a buying spree I went. I wont tell you how much I have spent on cloth diapers over the past 6 months but lets just say Its alot! I got a few different kinds to try out at first and then I decided I would just buy tons of them because I would need them anyway with 2 babies. Gary kept telling me, "stop buying them until you see if you like them, what if you don't like it, blah blah blah". And I kept telling him to go screw himself, I knew I was going to do it and it wasn't going to be as gross as he thought!! So 40+ cloth diapers later here I am.

This afternoon I decided to start using them during the day for the girls. I picked out a cute cow print for Gillian and a cute green one for Finley and put them on with a newborn insert. I came out to show Gary how cute they looked in them and then about 20 minutes later Gillian was farting up a storm! I knew I was in for it then. I went to check her shortly there after and she smelled......bad. So I took her into the nursery to investigate how well the cloth diapers held up and what I found wrecked my day!!! She soaked straight through the cloth diaper into her sleeper! Then I opened up the diaper and there was poop everywhere! EVERYWHERE! I am no stranger to poop now but this was gross and for some reason it was more gross because it wasn't in a disposable diaper! Here comes the gagging again.......I got it all cleaned up and put a sposie back on her and decided it would be a bright idea since the diaper sprayer wasn't hooked up to rinse off the diaper in the tub. Only the tub got clogged when I was rinsing it off and I ended up with a tub full of crap! I finally screamed for Gary to bring me Finley before she crapped in hers to change her and had him unclog the tub.

Then came the words Gary has been waiting to hear...."You were right" I am done with them after one try. I should have only bought one and tried it and poop is disgusting. I don't even want to stick that crappy diaper in my washer. I just asked Gary if we should throw it out! Lol. So....with that I am selling all my cloth diapers I just bought. Never used. Anyone interested? Maybe you will handle poop better than I did!


Sisrea said...

i am from TWW, but I wanted to share about the cloth diapers... I had a friend lend me some cloth diapers when the girls were 3 months old. I really wasn't up to handle it and i really didn't give it a valid effort. I think less then a day i was done but, i just picked it up again, a month ago, after the girls started to get bad diaper rashes and it is sooo much better then it was. And it will still save money, but i just don't think i could have handled it all in the beginning.. Once they started to get more manageable i could handle it. Too, now thier poopies are way more solid and they mostly roll right off...

If you still think you might like it later on, they might be worth it to hold on to...

Mandy said...

I would also suggest trying again, it's really not that bad. But if you're done, I WOULD LOVE THEM! I only have about 40 prefolds and 8 covers for our twin girls. I wash diapers EVERYDAY and would love a break! I'm so desperate I've started making diapers out of old shirts-which are super cute by the way!

And you could definitly just throw it in the washer. Newborn poop just washes away. I did and then once I week I run an empty washer with hot and bleach.

E said...

Hm, maybe I will hold onto them for a little bit and try again. If their poop wasn't so disgusting right now it wouldn't be so bad!! Lol.

Amelia said...

Erin, you can get disposable liner insets for the poop. They will catch a lot of the poop, so you don't need to spray off as much. They are not actually needed for newborn poop since it washes right away, but they might be worth trying if it'll make using your cloth easier! Give the cloth another try!

(Though if you really are looking to get rid of a few, I'd be willing to take a few off your hand!! )

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