Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The babies are coming!!

Well I had my OB appt this morning and guess what???? The babies are coming! I have a c-section scheduled for this Friday at 37 weeks exactly! I can't believe they are coming! So the doctor said I have a little protein in my urine and she is sending me in to be tested tomorrow again and if it is worse she will do the section tomorrow. I hope we can make it to Friday though!

Okay too much to do before they get here to sit around blogging today!!!


StaCey said...

<3 so excited and so so happy for you, Erin :)
And...they might do it TOMORROW? omg.

Melissa Ann said...

Good luck! Your world is about to be changed forever... but at least it's for the better!

Christina said...

I just ran into your blog from Multiples and More! Congratulations on your baby girls!! I hope everything goes smooth for you during the delivery!

Justine H said...

I am from TWW.com
How exciting, enjoy the precious moments before, during and after your girls arrive, you will never be able to re-live them. I had a cs with my girl and its a peice of cake, you will do great. Im so excited for you and your DH, you did a great job getting as far as you have, keeping them safe inside for this close to 40weeks is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your baby girls coming out tomorrow!!

So very haooy for you!

A quiet fan from 2WW.com

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