Friday, April 29, 2011

Sunshine and Summer Time!

I'm so excited to say the weather has been beautiful here for the past few days! So nice I unpacked all the summer clothes I got the girls a few days ago! As usual I got way too much stuff for them but what else is new?

We have the camper just about ready for this season and are looking forward to getting away to the lake for a few days next week. I hope the weather cooperates and the girls sleep well there. If its anything like last year I may go banana's! I was having flash backs of sleeping out in the minivan with the girls last year and driving around aimlessly with them for hours on end to get them asleep. Oh dear goodness please let them adjust this year and sleep well!

Besides camping we are going to Maine this year for my cousin's wedding! We are beyond excited! This is the 3rd year in a row one of my cousins is getting married in Maine but the first one we were able to go to! We rented a beach house for the week prior and I am just too psyched!! I can't wait to see the family and get everyone together and most importantly try to RELAX!

I don't know what its going to be like vacationing with 19 month old twins but hopefully its not going to be bad! I'm praying Finley is good. Not Gillian, because Gillian is always good but FINLEY if you read this please be good for Mommy and try not to ruin Kelly's wedding? Kay? Thanks!

I can just picture her having a mental fit at some point during it and me having to high tail it outta there with her in tow! I actually think to be safe I may have Gary stay with her someplace (car maybe) until its over!! Lol. That may seem a little extreme but I refuse to be that person that ruined my cousins wedding day with my screaming toddler!

Maybe she'll learn some self control by then? Doubtful though.

On a random side note a friend of mine is pregnant with her 3rd and I had a brief moment of insanity where I almost called Uconn today to make an appointment! The thought of doing IVF again though scares the heck out of me. Why I'm not sure. I've already been through it once but never with 2 toddlers. I'm not worried about being pregnant or dealing with more kid (s) but I'm worried about the whole process with 2 kids already. Errr. Maybe some miracle will happen and I'll end up pregnant on my own this time around? Then again its been 17 months and no miracles yet.

I have to admit though, I want another one. I thought I didn't care but as I see others getting pregnant around me I get that uncontrollable urge for more! Poor Gary.


Mandy said...

Baby fever is the worst! I feel ya!

Do you drop crazy money and hope it all works out? Then worry about that money not going to the kids you have already. I want to do it too but I can't justify the cost/risk of failure. I also remember hating the people that brought their kids along to monitoring. For some people it was like a family trip, you couldn't have your husband sit in the car with the kids while you have your date with the cooter cam??

E said...

OMG YES! That is my big thing...... what I would do with the girls during my appts! I would never bring them in. Thats just cruel, and I remember some that did and it made me want to punch them. My infertile self really doesn't need to see your kids running amuk all over the place. Thanks! Lol.

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