Friday, April 29, 2011


This has been my favorite holiday with the girls so far. I think its because they are actually old enough to participating in the activities now! We didn't let the girls color eggs this year, I was too worried they were going to be dyed blue for Easter so Gary and I decided to color them for them. Gary took it to the next extreme though.....because well, that's Gary for you! I made an Elmo egg and then got tired and fell asleep on the couch.

Somehow I ended up in bed and woke up to Gary telling me he did all the Sesame Street characters and I had to wake up to see the picture of them he took on his phone. I thought he was a lunatic but this is what he did for 3 hours:

Now that's one loving talented Daddy! He did them all with a fine tip marker and crayons. I still haven't been able to destroy "The Count." He's sitting in my fridge. Wonder how long he'll last in there?

Saturday we had brunch with the family and an Easter Egg hunt for the girls. Gary and I did plastic eggs and put marshmallows in them. Once they found one and realized there were marshmallows in them they were all over the place looking for more. They were both in great moods the whole day too. It was great!

Finley and her bucket

She found an Egg!

A mouthful of Marshmallows and going for more!

Gillan and Cousin Stacey

Finley and Mema

More Marshmallow eating!

Silly Finley


Gillian being Silly

Easter Sunday I let them have their chocolate bunnies......and they loved them!


Mandy said...

It's amazing how different and grown up a little hair makes!

Glad they had a good easter and OMG is Gary talented! We skipped the eggs all together, I'm thinking around the age of majority they can safely dye things! I'm terrified of the stains on the kids, table, floor, ect...

Mandy said...

I can't respond to your emails, change your settings chicka!

The girls are 21 months, we started time out loosely after the first year with a time out in my lap and it grew. It started at 30 seconds, then a minute. Now they are 1:30 in a corner away from the action. Claire spends a lot of time there, I'm thinking of getting her a mat or a bench...

Trish said...

Those dyed easter eggs are insane! Gary has got talent! And I LOVE LOVE the picture of them with their chocolate bunnies! I wish we had thought about marshmallows in the plastic eggs...would have worked a lot better than melted chocolate!! And I just saw the post about the Rody...never heard of these, must check out immediately! So cute your girls are holding hands...mine pretty much still go around saying "no sissy" or "mine" and only touch each other to push/shove out of the way!!

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