Friday night-HELL. That about sums that up! I was SO excited about taking the girls camping this weekend! I packed everything of theirs and mine and loaded it all in to my truck so we would be ready to go for the following morning. I kept telling the girls how much fun we were going to have and (this may be where I went wrong) if they slept all night like good little girls it would come quicker and be tons of fun! I cleaned the house, packed, loaded everything and went to bed right before Gary got home at around 1sh.......2:00 hits and Gillian is up (as usual) only this time she didn't want to eat and go back to bed, she decided to stay up and play and scream every time I tried to put her down to go back to bed. So I was up with her ALL NIGHT LONG. At 6:30 am I stormed into our bedroom (sorry Gary, I was bitchy, I'll admit) and yelled to Gary "Get up, Get packed, WE ARE LEAVING"! I threw (not literally, although I would have loved to) Gillian in her car seat and headed to McDonald's for breakfast and Huge coffee's while Gary got packed.
Gillian fell asleep after driving for about 20 minutes so when I got back I took her out and put her in room car seat and all and let her sleep, Gary and I passed out too for a hour. Then she was right back up and we got everyone (dogs and all) in the car and left for the campground!
Saturday-Camping was fun, the girls were a little unsure of their sleeping arrangements but they adjusted. All in all camping was fun, We are going back in 2 weeks!
Gillian has been trying to roll over for weeks now (from her back to her belly). She keeps grabbing her feet, rolling to her side, stretching out her back and screaming as she tries to throw herself over. No luck. Today she smartened up. Gary called to tell me she is now grabbing onto Finley and pulling herself over! That's my good lazy girl!
I started the girls on Stage 2 foods this weekend too, they love them. They had Apple cinnamon oats and some mac and cheese and this morning they had pears blueberry's and oats. They loved it all.
Gary and I finally decided after thinking about some different car options that a minivan is the only way to go for camping with the dogs and kids and stuff so we are getting a minivan. Ben knew someone getting rid of hers and she is giving us a killer deal on it. Gary is going to drive it since he has the 4 door sedan right now and I have the SUV.
What a strange thing to see the man that I fell in love with because he looked so hot jumping out of his jeep wrangler transform into this minivan driving dad right before my eyes. Geesh, I feel like we are getting so old all of a sudden. Kids will do that to you I guess? Gary is excited about his new minivan though and I guess thats all that matters?
Well thats all the thoughts I can think of right now. I didn't take one lousy picture of the girls camping trip. I am a horrible mother!
Oh yeah and for the record I used 2 outfits the whole camping trip and 2 pairs of PJ's. It was so damn hot out that I had them in just diapers half the time and just in a onsie the other half.......I guess I will know better next time?

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