So I started looking high and low on craigslist and finally found one for $20.00! What a steal! I sent Gary to pick it up and he came back with money in his pocket. The lady he got it from also turned out to have twin girls and she told him to just take it. Being the good guy he is he fought with her until she at least took a 10!
I ran out to Lowe's and picked up spray paint (you need the kind that says its for plastic) and headed back home. Gary power washed the whole thing and took it all apart. Then he was awesome enough to take a whole entire day to spray paint the whole thing for me! He rocks. It was long and tedious and I never would have finished it that's for sure!
Here are some pics. Here is what it looked like before. This is not the actual playhouse or my picture, just one I found online of exactly what it looked like!
And here it is after Gary slaved away all day! If you do get brave enough to attempt this make sure you let everything dry for a few days before putting it together. If you do it too soon (I'm not going to tell you how I know this) you run the risk of the paint coming off in some spots (mainly the shutters when your kids try to open and close them when they aren't all the way dry)
The girls call it their princess house. Love my hubby!
What a FANTASTIC idea! I have one that was given to me and it's so old and faded that I can't stand it. This is going to be my new mission. Thank you for sharing!
I love this house. its so so so cute
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