Sunday, February 17, 2008


Well, as usual I am still not pregnant. Not that I expected anything different, I mean after 21 months of this crap-I'm pretty used to it by now, but seriously?? What the hell do I have to do to get myself knocked up? When will it be my turn? I just dont freakin understand?!

So, last month I had my HSG done, it really hurt like hell and they say you are more fertile for the following 3 months so one month down, two to go.

On a more positive note, we are getting our new camper in April and I can't wait to go camping in it. It will sleep 10 comfortable and we have already booked most of our camping dates. We are going to maine for a week for a family reunion and will be camping there.

Gary wants to buy mountain bikes, I want to also, but am holding on to the hope of getting pregnant and I can't ride a bike pregnant. So, I'm holding out a few more months to see what happens.

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