Saturday, November 8, 2008

Getting Hardcore Now!

Well, It has been forever since I posted. I went back and reread my previous entry's and it freaked me out that it seems like yesterday I had my HSG done. Yikes. So much has happened in such a short time! Hm where to start?

Well, in June Gary and I hit our 3 year wedding anniversary and our 2 year mark on TTC. That sent me into a pretty good spriraling depression and I finally decided to call the Re and make a appt. My first appt was on August 28th and it was a consult and they did crap loads of blood work and a ultrasound too. The Re said he is placing us in the unexplained infertility category and he suggested if the blood work comes back fine we start on IUI's the next cycle. Well, sounds like the man has a plan, I like him.

October: Hm. Well, I did my clomid and IUI this month. It was quiet the experience! The clomid didn't bother me nearly as much as it did last year when I was on it. The IUI hurt some but it was bearable too! Gary had a good sperm count too, it was 47 million pre wash and 17 post wash. The Re said they like to see at least 10 million post wash so Gary was thrilled with his freaking sperm! Unfortunatly, I didnt end up pregnant.................

November cycle: I called the Re's office to tell them I got my period and would be starting my next round of clomid unless they called to tell me otherwise................and they called! Damn them, I guess the doc saw what she thought was a polyp and wanted me to do a SHG this cycle before we move on. So, I made my appt and went in to have it done. It hurt like a freaking bitch and they did not find a freaking polyp.............all that for nothing.............well, except for peace of mind I guess? So, I could not do my clomid this month because of the so called polyp so I am doing a unmedicated IUI this cycle. I am just waiting on my smiley face to pop up and then I will be calling the Re and telling them I am coming in the next day. Here's to praying IUI #2 works!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day Smothers Day.

I got up this morning and got my period. Like I needed the reminder that I can't have kids..................on mothers day. Thanks.

So, anyway, besides that it was a good day. Gary and I did some yard work (okay Gary did most of the yard work, I slept in the hammock) and putzed around the house. All in all it was a good day.

They we went to visit the family and give Lynn her Mothers day present. We got her one of those charms for her pandora bracelet.

On the 22nd I am going to get my hair cut and colored. Its about time, I'm going grey.............quickly. I am trying to decide how short I want to go? I am thinking a bob?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Alright I confess.

Okay, I quit smoking 4 years ago. I have been messing with fire and started smoking again only when drinking. Yeah well, that quickly turned into smoking on a regular basis. Surprise, Surprise. I need to quit again, I hate that I started again. I have been sneaking around behind Gary's back and trying to hide it for weeks now. I finally just came out and told him tonight. He was dissapointed. I expected him to be. I need to get the freaking patch now. This sucks.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Well, as usual I am still not pregnant. Not that I expected anything different, I mean after 21 months of this crap-I'm pretty used to it by now, but seriously?? What the hell do I have to do to get myself knocked up? When will it be my turn? I just dont freakin understand?!

So, last month I had my HSG done, it really hurt like hell and they say you are more fertile for the following 3 months so one month down, two to go.

On a more positive note, we are getting our new camper in April and I can't wait to go camping in it. It will sleep 10 comfortable and we have already booked most of our camping dates. We are going to maine for a week for a family reunion and will be camping there.

Gary wants to buy mountain bikes, I want to also, but am holding on to the hope of getting pregnant and I can't ride a bike pregnant. So, I'm holding out a few more months to see what happens.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!!

So, today I am 13dpo and for all you non-trying to conceivers out there that is days past ovulation. I thought for sure after my crappy HSG this month I would be pregnant, but it appears or at least according to my pregnancy tests I have been taking for 6 days-I am not pregnant. I was really hoping to suprise Gary with it today. Anyway, I am still convinced I am pregnant. I mean I've been emotional all day, and usually spot before my period comes, but not this month. No spotting at all. That just has to count for something right?

Well, anyway, off the baby thing. Gary and I went out for dinner tonight. Last year we went to the same resturant and it was very romantic.......we were up in the loft last year with candles lit everywhere and the food was great. This year I didn't specify the we got a regular table on the floor and there was no special lighting or candles, just tables. Anyway, all of a sudden I found myself surrounded by the strangest people! To my left there was a strange transvestite (sp?) and to my right I swear to god there was Tom Green eating dinner with some freaky fat girl in a terrible dress.....but anyway, he looked just like Tom Green, so much so that I could see that no one around me could concentrate on dinner-only on the strange Tom Green looking guy with the big girl. Then there was a girl next to us who ordered chicken wings and she wasn't a danty chicken wing eater, she was the kind that stuck the whole freaking wing in her mouth and sucked it clean......ugh, made me sick looking at her. So, my husband I found ourselves laughing hysterically at everyone around us rather than finding any of this romantic. Oh well, guess you can't win them all huh?

Friday, February 8, 2008

Give me something to Pee on!!

Geez, I have 3 internet cheapies left (out of 100) and I refuse to test until I am at least 10 dpo this month. I was so desperate to pee on something I pulled out one of my fertility monitor test sticks and pee'd on that.....just one line, but damn it made me feel better. I can't stand this anymore, I feel like a mad women!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The beginning

Well......where to start? Since I was a little girl, I had always dreamed of getting married and starting a family of my own. I got married to the man of my dreams, Gary, in 2005 and we decided to wait a year to start our family. Once our one year anniversary hit we started "trying". I thought the following month I would be pregnant. Boy was I in for a surprise. The following months were no different. After a year and getting no where I talked to my gyn. She gave me slips for lab work and Gary a lab slip for a seman analysis. My bloodwork came back good, but his SA wasn't so good! They gave him a "redo" he passed. Thank God.

At this point I decided that I was losing my mind, I went back to my gyn and she put me on clomid. I dont know why I let her do it, I already ovulate on my own, and everything I read kept telling me it was going to be no help. The only thing it did was give me bad migranes, make me cry at the drop of a dime, and dried me out down there! It sucked. I went off it the next month and called to make a appointment for my HSG the gyn suggested I get done.

That sucked too.....It kinda felt like someone was sawing off my fallopian tube! But they say after the test you become more fertile.......we'll see!
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