Saturday, May 22, 2010

The "Mom Suit"

Well, I took the plunge and I went to Target and got a bathing suit today. As soon as I saw it I knew it would be "the one". The perfect "Mom suit"! It is black (slimming) and has a tankini top (long enough to cover my belly) with a gold ring thingy on the bra part (young and fashionable of course) with a skirt bottom (hide my cellulite ass)!

I got home and tried it on and the initial shock was frightening. I actually screamed. Kind of a "NOOOOOOOOOOO......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Scream. Lol. I don't look at myself half naked anymore and it was just too much for me to handle. White, pale, pasty, fat, cellulite, stretch marked.....bad! Those were all the adjectives that initially flew through my head to describe what I saw. Gary walked in and said "Ahh, sexy".

Yeah real sexy. I know its not as bad as I think. I am just used to my rock hard abs and awesome body. What I see in the mirror is far from what I had that's for sure. I have to keep telling myself its okay because I grew my babies with this body. It will bounce back......I hope!

More motivation to lose some weight, or tone up, or maybe just get a tummy tuck!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

I get the feeling that I took my car to the dealership and they switched it out on me... I look at my tummy and remind it that they babies were removed and it needs to get itself in shape, I haven't the time!

I dread shopping for my mom-suit, this is a first I'm not looking forward to. I hope it wasn't too painful!

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